11 Jun 6 Veteran Benefits You May Not Have Heard Of
Written By: Christian Xitas – June 11th, 2019
6 Veteran Benefits You May Not Have Heard Of
The most common veteran benefits are their disability payments, such as Veterans Compensation or Veterans Pension. Some require the help of a Social Security Disability Attorney when pursuing benefits. Also, most veterans know that if they are injured while working, they are entitled to compensation for their workplace injuries.
If you are injured on the job as a disabled veteran speak to our Social Security Disability Attorneys. They will be able to discuss about any compensation you’re already receiving. You want to ensure a personal injury settlement won’t have an impact on your current benefits. Many people understand the most popular veterans benefits. Yet there are still many overlooked. That being said, we stress that it’s important to consult a lawyer at Victory Disability. Call (866) 350-7229 for a free case evaluation.
The Aid & Attendance Program:
Long-term care can be extremely expensive. It is difficult for any family that struggles to provide day-to-day necessities. The Aid & Attendance program is to help struggling veteran pay for their long-term care. With the help of our Social Security Disability Attorneys this money will help them cover the cost of increasing nursing homes. Veteran couples can receive up to $25,000 in aid per year. Surviving spouses can receive up to $13,000.
To qualify, you should have no more than $80,000 in assets not including ownership of one vehicle and one home. The Department of Veterans Affairs also offers a caregiver support program. This will also help you navigate the complicated barriers of veteran aid.
There are companies that specialize in preparing your paperwork for VA Aid and Attendance pension application process. Visit Veterans Home Care for more information on how they can help you.
Free Tax Preparation:
No matter what your financial situation is, preparing your taxes is never a fun ordeal. In fact, it is normal for stress levels to rise during dreaded tax season. However, through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program , you can have your taxes prepared for free. Not only does this relieve you of filing your taxes, but it can also ensure your taxes are filed correctly. Accountants in these offices have plenty of experience dealing with military-specific tax issues. .
Hire Your Friends & Family to Help:
Family members that act as caregivers could be eligible to receive payments. Formally known as the Veteran-Directed Care Program. This will compensate your family for tasks. This payment can be upwards of $2,000 per month.
Hearing Aid Services:
According to the VA, almost 3 million veterans are currently receiving disability benefits for hearing loss or tinnitus, a ringing in the ears. With so many people suffering from hearing loss after service, it’s crucial that they have the right remedy. At the Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation for the American Legion, veterans do not have to wait for a referring physician to secure an appointment with. Your VA insurance will cover the cost, whereas insurance through government programs like Medicare typically do not cover this.
VA Foreclosure:
If you’re a veteran looking for a home, you’re in luck. The VA maintains a long list of all the homes that have been financed with VA loans that have gone into foreclosure. Veterans will be able to sort through this list of properties and purchase homes at discount level. All homes included in the list are also eligible for VA financing. Therefore a large portion of the finance research has been automatically filtered for you.
American Corporate Partners:
Finding employment after service can be one of the most troubling tasks for veterans. Fortunately, with programs like American Corporate Partners, you can work with mentors who can connect you with top companies for employment opportunities. This program doesn’t just provide you with the right connection. It also helps you get prepared for the interview process. Our Social Security Disability Attorneys are constantly working hard for our clients. We fight to receive the benefits they deserve. Please feel free to contact Victory Disability at (866) 350 7229 with any questions or visit Vet Disability Guide for more information