18 Sep The Wounded Warrior Program
Social Security Disability is a program that awards benefits to individuals who are unable to work as a result of disabilities. This program is similar to VA Disability. Disabled veterans can qualify and receive monthly benefits. However, there are distinct differences in the requirements of the two.
In March 2014, the Social Security Administration (SSA) established an initiative to help veterans with a rating of 100% Permanent and Total to apply for benefits. The program allows for veterans with this specific rating to have their claims expedited for faster approval.
The Effect of a VA Rating on a Social Security Disability Claim
Having a 100% P&T rating from the VA does not guarantee awarded SSD benefits. The SSA will look at the claimants ability to work when determining if they qualify. More specifically, applicants must still meet the SSA’s definition of disability to be eligible. To meet this definition, one must:
- Be unable to work as a result of medical conditions
- Have a disability that is expected to last at least one year or result in death
- Have worked, or served, 5 of the past 10 years at a job that paid into Social Security Disability
Faster Approval
If a veteran is rated 100% P&T, there are steps that can be taken to receive expedited processing of their SSDI claim. According to the SSA, the veteran must clearly state their 100% P&T rating on the application. The rating should be included in the “remarks” section online. When applying over the phone, it is important to inform the SSA representative of this status. In addition, they must supply the SSA with a letter from the VA that verifies the authenticity of the rating.
Attorney Assistance
Your chance of winning a disability claim is significantly higher with an attorney. Disability attorneys are well versed on the basic procedures. Also, they will ensure you are prepared for each level of the process. They assist in medical records, preparation for a hearing, etc. Victory Disability alone has won over 15 million in benefits for veterans. If you are interested in filing for benefits, you can start with the Vets Disability Guide evaluation. This will determine if you are eligible for disability benefits. If you would prefer to speak to our representative immediately, you can call 866-350-7229.