02 Apr Will my SSDI claim be delayed because of COVID-19?
During this time of quarantine, your Social Security Disability Claim will not be delayed because of COVID-19. With not being able to have an in person hearing for your disability benefits, the Social Security Administration has decided that all hearings will occur over the phone and you will be notified with a call including all instructions of when and how the hearing will occur telephonically.
They also announced that all local offices will still be offering critical services not in person, only over the phone. If you have any questions you can still use their online services on ssa.gov.
Everything else will resume in the same manner as prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, excluding in-person activities. The SSA has prioritized such precautions as the age demographic they are assisting is on the older end and it is extremely important to protect those older age people from this outbreak in any way possible.
For additional news visit: https://www.ssa.gov/news/press/releases/2020/#3-2020-2